Thursday, October 15, 2009

imagenes de iguazu

hotels of the zone

Hotels in Cataracts of the Iguazú

- Amerian Vestibule of the Iguazú Hotel
- VHF Boutique Hotel of the Fonte
- Iguazú Cataracts Hotel
- Sturgeon Hotel
- Lodge Sturgeon
- Iguazú Grand Hotel
- Latin Hotel
- Loi Iguazú Suites Hotel
- Palace Orchids Hotel
- Panoramic Iguazú Hotel
- Saint George Hotel
- Sheraton Iguazú Resort & Spa

Hotels in Foz de Iguazu

- Carimã Resort Hotel & Convention
- Del King Hotel - Harbor Colonial Hotel
- Panorama and Acquamania Resort
- Rafain Center Hotel
- Turrance Green Hotel

Origin of the Cataracts of the Iguazú

Origin of the Cataracts of the Iguazú

This wonder of the world that is the Cataracts of the Iguazú, had origin does 200 thousand years, in the place where the Parana River and the Iguazú River are united, and in which today is the Landmark of the Three Borders. At that time, a geological fault took place in the channel of the Parana River, causing that the mouth of the Iguazú River became a steep cascade of about 80 meters of height. From that moment to the present time, the point that today we know as the Throat of the Devil of the Cataracts of the Iguazú moved 23 kilometers of its place of origin. This must to the slow and continuous erosive backward movement of the Cataracts of the Iguazú.

hotels in the Cataracts of the Iguazú

Lodging and hotels in the Cataracts of the Iguazú

The Cataracts of the Iguazú are attractive a tourist one par excellence. Although the natural surroundings perfectly are protected to be within National Parks, in the neighborhood of the Cataracts of the Iguazú is possible to find hotels of diverse categories and other lodgings, such as hosterías or hostels and hotels boutique. The hotels in the Cataracts of the Iguazú are located to both sides of the river.

The tourism can choose, not only a lodging with the location that they prefer, but also those hotels in the Cataracts of the Iguazú which they fulfill his needs and pleasures. Hosterías, hostels and hotels in the Cataracts of the Iguazú, although they are of diverse categories, count on services of very good level and all the necessary one to make of their vacations in Missions an unforgettable experience.

Cataracts of the Iguazú

Cataracts of the Iguazú
Province of Missions | Argentina

The Cataracts of Iguazú are an imposing located natural spectacle in the limit between Argentina and Brazil. Declared Natural Patrimony of the Humanity by UNESCO, the Cataracts of the Iguazú they are a place that nobody can stop knowing. The Cataracts of the Iguazú are, of the Argentine side, within the National Park Iguazú, in the Province of Missions; and within the National Park do Iguaçu, in the State of Parana, of the side of Brazil. Waters underneath the Cataracts of the Iguazú, where the rivers Iguazú and Parana are united, is the opposite triple of Paraguay, Argentina and Brazil.

The Cataracts of the Iguazú are one of the looked for destinies of tourism more of Argentina and South America, being visited by 2 million people per year.

It is for that reason that the Cataracts of the Iguazú, as much of the Argentine side as of the Brazilian side, count on an infrastructure of services and hotels very developed. In spite of counting on hotels and services of all type, the surroundings of the Cataracts of the Iguazú are conserved intact. This must to that, in both countries, the ecosystem of the zone of the Cataracts of the Iguazú is prote'ge' by National Parks.

Thus, the tourists who visit the Cataracts of the Iguazú are astonished, not only by the greatness of the spectacle, but by the virgin natural frame surrounds that them. This subtropical forest of Missions that surrounds to the Cataracts of the Iguazú, shelters the fauna and more representative flora of the region. Besides which respecta to the natural beauty, the Cataracts of the Iguazú also they have an important place in the archaeology and the history of the sites in which today the jesuíticas ruins are located, first establishments of Christian evangelisation in South America.

Four times wider than the Cataracts of the Niágara, the Cataracts of the Iguazú are divided in cascades or diverse jumps. The total of 275 jumps of up to 80 meters of height that conform the spectacular Cataracts of the Iguazú, is fed by waters of the Iguazú River. The most imposing jump of the Cataracts of the Iguazú is the Throat of the Devil, which, with its 80 meters of height, represents one of the most impressive spectacles.